PART 1:Starting is the hardest part. New years resolutions? How to kick ass in 2018.

‘So what do we do when we feel like we are at the bottom of a mountain? When we know the road ahead is going to be tough? We tell ourselves, the only way is up!’

18 has always been my lucky mum, my aunty and my birthday all fall on the 18th.  I’ve decided I want to make 2018 my best year yet. When I was thinking all the things I want to do, I started to consider..

What really hold us back from starting something new? mindset- fear, avoiding failure, self-doubt?

How can we create the life we want? How can we overcome our limiting self-beliefs?

How can we keep new habits long-term?

First and most important step to change. MINDSET.

Know the why and BELIEVE that you, yes you, are worth it. Ask yourself what you want in life. You deserve to live the life you desire. Once you believe this, you can begin the steps towards a healthier and happier life.

Loving and treating yourself well has a domino effect into all other of your life: Eating ‘healthy’ leads to you having more energy, having more energy leads to movement, exercise leads to feelings of empowerment and joy, joy leads to happier and healthier friendships and relationships, happier relationships reduces stress and so much more.

Wether its starting the gym, a new diet or a new hobby. Find something you love and roll with it. If you don’t like running find an alternative. Find something that makes you feel excited and challenged.

Take on things that make YOU feel good. This is the best way to ensure you stick with it and embrace the change.

We have the power to change. We are responsible for the future. Past experiences make us who we are but they do not define our future.

Easier said than done right?

So what do we do when we feel like we are at the bottom of a mountain? When we know the road ahead is going to be tough? We tell ourselves, the only way is up!

Change of any kind does not come without struggle, doubt and hardship. Starting something new is always daunting.  We question ourselves and our ability. We say things like ‘I cant’ run’ or ‘ I was never good at that at school’. We internalize these negative ideas. They can prevent us trying and succeeding at so many things.


I would never normally post a picture like this. However, I feel it is so relevant. Each picture represents self-doubt, hard work, failure, determination and patience. At each stage I had a different mindset, a different goal and a different outlook. Looking back my biggest regret is not being present, not enjoying where I was at and appreciating the journey. Change is possible we just need to believe.

PART TWO(to prevent this blog being to big 10 steps to put our dreams reality)


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